Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Be happy. Be you

Why is being you is good enough ?
No one else in the entire universe (including the solar system) can be YOU. You acquire certain talents and traits that no other person can physically possess. It’s pointless and a waste of time to try to be someone you’re not. At some point, the person/people you’re trying to impress, WILL discover the real you and all your hard work, and effort will be for nothing. Also, don’t change your morals for ANYONE. If they can’t accept what you think is best for you, they aren’t worth it. Morals are set and followed for a reason. They build character and people gain respect for following them. If people can’t accept you for the way you are, and what you stand for, they aren’t worth being in your life. There will be certain people in our lives for a reason. Some aren’t meant to stay. They will come and they will go. I promise you, you will be the happiest if you’re 100% you. 

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